Friday 4 May 2018

LO4: Production of a radio show:

Production schedule: Matt

Offline edit: Frazer

I decided that It would be best to create an offline edit of the show which we were creating that it is important to have a plan to work to when creating a final product. I will take a few steps in creating the offline edit due to the fact that we recorded the piece several times  in order to get the best takes possible for the final piece. This will mean that to start with I will have to select the version of each line which I want to use and then put them all in order on an audition programme. By sighting the issues that arise from a raw version of the show with no effects or audio editing it will be clear what edits need to be made in order to make sure that the final product is up to a professional standard.  

The offline edit for the first episode is below:

As well as this it will be easier to create the final product after having prepared an offline edit because the takes that will be used for the final show have already be decided upon. 

Equipment Setup: Oliver
Recording audio:
Frazer: It was my job to speak for a section of the radio show. 

Evidencing editing:
Pictured above is the final edit for the radio show, this involves the presenters audio, bedding music, sound effects, adverts, jingles and music. All of which was organised onto individual lablede tracks to making editing easier and clearer.  
Throughout the production a variety of changes and effects were added in order to produce the final professional radio show.
Pictured above can be seen all the assets used as part of the radio show. This involved: three separate bedding tracks, presenters audio, music tracks (No Scrubs, Feel it still, Fluorescent adolescent), radio jingle, The Leadmill advert, big ben bong, news jingle, DJ scratches and radio static for transitions.
Evidenced above can be seen the use of the echo effect. This was added in order to provide a smooth transition between audio clips. This is because by introducing a echo, it removes the usual harsh and abrupt finish and allows the audio to fade out cleanly, making for a more professional show. In addition to this, it can also be seen to make aspects of the show more dramatic and draw attention to them.
Seen above is examples of how i adjusted the levels to transition between the different elements and tracks of the radio show. The volume key frames are represented by the yellow line. As seen the music bed track volume was lowered to provide a subtle background to the audio of the presenters. Key frames were also added to fade out the bed music as the song is introduced. In order to smoothly introduce the song a cross fade was used in addition to lowering the volume, the volume was then dramatically introduced once the song was introduced by the presenter, as represent by the steep line. This is synonymous with the style of most other radio shows of a similar genre. 
In order to ensure the volume of the radio show is consistent throughout as seen on all professional radio shows, once the final edit was finalised all the clips were selected and the "match clip loudness" was selected this ensured none of the audio peaked and was all consistent throughout.

Throughout the edit various roles were undertaken by different team members. The radio jingle was recorded and edited by Charlotte, with Matt and Frazer producing the initial offline edit, and myself editing all components together into the final radio show.
From feedback from peers and self assessment it was decided that a few changes would be made. This involved re-recording the radio advert in order to get clearer audio which was then edited into a new version of the advert. In addition to this, from feedback it was noted that the levels of the bed music was marginally to loud in places. Subsequently, using the key frames i lowered the gain of the clip in certain places to make the audio of the presenters clearer and more defined/ not overpowered.

Linked below is the finished product:

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