Friday 4 May 2018

LO4: Evaluation

Evaluation of the show:

I feel that the radio show is very in keeping with the brief we were given as well as targeting out audience in an effective way. This can be seen when each of the three sections is analysed individually as that each is slightly different. 

Section 1) News section: 

The first full section for our show was the News section which I was in charge of writing. In order to make sure that each of the four stories that I presented was accurate I made sure to get information for all of them from several different sources as not to broadcast any untrue information which may be effected by political bias or gatekeeping. 

The stories that I chose to cover were also all very focused on the local area a to fit the brief well and I included the story about the upcoming Artic Monkeys album as to further reach our show's goal of being a music focused project which I feel was appropriate as that the Artic Monkeys are from the Sheffield area which again fits with the local theme. 

Section 2)  Sports section:  

The sports section was a difficult one for us to decide on as a group regarding its focus. In the end when Matt was writing it we had told him to take a more general approach to sport as that it is not a subject that can be fully presented as Sheffield based. I feel like this section strongly adheres to the codes and conventions of a sports section on a regular radio show.

Again Matt made sure to check multiple sources for the stories he chose to cover which makes the news presented trustworthy and accurate.

Section 3) Discussion section:

The discussion section was a more creative idea for our show so it was more difficult for us to understand the codes and conventions that radio shows would have built up if a talking section of this nature been commonplace. I stead of this we needed to rely on the norm for shorter discussion sections which can be found on radio talk shows and decided that the topic of "housemate horror Stories" was appropriate as that it fitted the target audience well. As that housemates are a large part of living in university and many students will find the idea of having a poor roommate quite relatable. 

Use Of Music: 

I feel that the use of music in our show is one of the most professional parts of its production as that it compliments our target audience very well. This can be seen in our choice of songs ("Feel it still", "fluorescent Adolescent" and "She's electric")  which are all songs which fit into the genres of Alternative rock and Indie rock and therefore will bring enjoyment to our choice of demographic. 

I feel like my ordering of the show has led to it flowing very well due to the fact that it is written in the style of many other news shows that are on the air currently. The use of typical ordering gives the audience a comfortable reassurance in that they know what will come next. This Is because I have chosen to order the show as such:
  1. Introduction 
  2. News 
  3. Sport
  4. Music
  5. Discussion 
  6. Outro 



Strengths of the show:

I feel that our show is a very professional final product due to our use of professional software in its creating. The software we used for both the offline edit as well as the final piece was Adobe Audition. As well as this I feel that the fact that we had a long time to work In a rather impressive sound recording studio with much of the equipment we would need to use provided to us helped us to create a final piece which was recorded properly.
As well as this I feel that we have matched the legal and ethical requirements of creating this type of show very well as that we have made sure not to breach copyright law and also to have three different presenters who together can hopefully relate to much of Sheffield's population.
As well as what I have stated above I feel that our final piece reflects the conventions of a morning radio talk show through the sections we chose to include and the way in which each of them is presented (the use of the bell ringing sound effect that needed to be used in the News section as well as the frequent use of a light-hearted tone and informal language in the "topical discussion" section) I feel that these both help to add to the legitimacy of SCC radio as a professionally handled product. 



There are several changes that, on reflection, could have added to SCC's final outcome. The first of these would certainly be in the stories we chose to use in the sports section. From viewing the section of this section of the show, while it is not poorly written, it doesn't feature much at all on the subject of local sport which, after all, was the aim of our radio show. This could have been amended well by having some stories about local sports happenings with the football teams Sheffield Wednesday and Sheffield United and the city's ice hockey team The Sheffield Stealers. Having these stores would have helped SCC radio to reach its target demographic better as that they would likely have a strong interest in local sports teams and would likely also know about all of the nationwide stories which we did end up covering in our final version. Having a local radio station, I feel, presented us as a group a rather interesting opportunity which I feel we did not end up taking advantage of. As that we were oly expected to cover the Sheffield region we could have reported on smaller sport stories that our audiences may have found interesting such as local sport events (school and collage football tournaments for example.)

Another of the drawbacks of our show was in the discussion section. I feel that the fact that it had to be scripted was a shame due to the fact that by scripting a piece such as this takes away from any natural conversational tone which could have been achieved from an actual conversation between our three hosts. This would have likely led to more real chemistry between the show's presenters and make the ore likeable to an audience. If I were doing the show again I would set up a real twitter account, send out the day's question and wait for real people to give us feedback and have the three presenters have a natural conversation with each other as that this would have the programme have more of a typical radio conversation, more accurately fitting our genres codes and conventions. 


Changes or amendments:

While creating this show I feel that there have been several major changes that I have been mostly responsible for. In creating the offline edit it was my role to choose the version of each section of dialogue that would be featured in the final show. This involved changing versions of lines which were perhaps read with a small amount of enthusiasm or had a sound in the background that risked the professional quality which we were attempting to create.


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