Wednesday 2 May 2018

LO2: Legal and ethical considerations

When creating a radio programme it Is of up most important to make sure that the content complies with several law that are enforced heavily in the UK

Legal consideration one: The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988: 

This law, brought into force in the late 1980s protects the trademarked products of companies so that other people or companies cannot create similar products that may mislead audiences and cause the original creator to lose revenue. The law carries harsh penalties with people who violating it facing orders to had over all profits of the copied products as well as a maximum sentence of 6 months in prison and an unlimited fine.
In order to make sure that my radio show doesn't violate copyright law I will make sure that it doesn't contain any licensed assets (logos, slogans or names.)

Legal consideration two: Slander (Defamation act 2013)

Slander is a law which protects the reputations of people against broadcasted falsehood. It is a very important law as that without it people would be allowed to state untrue information about people which could have devastating effects on their livelihoods and mental health. A famous example of people who sued for being slandered you;d be the 2017 case of the Country of Ireland suing the independent magazine for making untrue allegations about it's employees.
In accordance to this law I will make sure that the show does not

Legal consideration 3: Data protection (data protection act 1998)

Data protection is of vital importance when creating a media product which will be distributed to a large amount of people as that it involves the handling of peoples personal information. For example under this law it would likely have to be stated somewhere in the advertisement for a call in that the caller is allowing their first name to be used on air however it is unacceptable for the host to then state the callers personal phone number, race, religious background, address or sexual orientation on air as that that isomer information than a person may feel comfortable having shared with a large amount of people.

Ethical issue one: Representation: 

My task is to create a local radio show In Sheffield which Is a multi cultural environment. For this reason we should create a show which represents the many different genders, ethnicity and religious beliefs that make up this city. We will make sure, for this reason, that the show contains the voices and opinions of many different types of people and will also not convey any negative stereotypes about a group of people.

The UK Office of communications or OFcom is the major regulatory body for all shows that are broadcast on publicly accessible radio services. It is therefore very important that while we are writing, recording and Editing SCC radio that we adhere the regulations that they have put in place in order to make sure that our show is acceptable to be shown to a UK audience.

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