Thursday 3 May 2018

LO3 Codes and Conventions of Genre of planned show (Matt)

LO3 Codes and Conventions of Genre of planned show

The codes and conventions of a breakfast show is to be very upbeat in the approach and the 
presenters should aim to communicate this and enforce the ideal partner/ideal self. The show 
must be lighthearted and not to be to hard hitting or serious as it is first thing in the morning 
(however the news section must be fully candid) and people want to be motivated. In my lo 1 
research i noticed that allot of radio shows have funny talking segments which are based on 
everyday life i.e. dating etc. The breakfast shows will also always play music to get their 
listeners motivated. I also noticed that they often have listener call in for prizes or song choices, 
this helps to get the audience involved in the show. I have also noticed that in the conventions 
of a talk show there is a great deal of back and forth between the presenters, which keeps the 
audience engaged and listening it also allows for anecdotes and content to be communicated 

How our planned ideas reflect these codes and conventions

By looking at the running order of our planned script you can see, our planned idea reflects the codes and conventions as we planned our radio show so that we were not having hard hitting content in our discussion section and we have put music at the begging of our show and will motivate people to get out of bed. We have then altered our running order so that the sport section came up before the news section to ease our listeners into the News section, which may be more hard hitting. We have also included a 'Topical discussion section, which allows us to fill our show with anecdotes and stories, which can be sent in by listeners and our listeners will find them relatable.

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